The Hayfever season kicks off in the UK usually around in mid-March but scientists have warned this may be slightly earlier in 2021 - so the 13 million Brits who suffer with pollen allergies may have noticed they've started to get a runny nose, itchy throat and perhaps even a cough.
Experts warn that, amidst the current pandemic, some people may mistake these symptoms for those of coronavirus.
But in order to keep yourself safe and rule out any unnecessary concerns, they say you should be able to identify the differences.
Please see below Key differences between them both:
most common symptoms of coronavirus infection usually include:
A dry cough
A high temperature
Shortness of breath
Some patients may have aches and pains, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhoea - but these are usually mild or rare and begin gradually.
Others will develop no symptoms as at all and may not even know they've had coronavirus, also known as being Asymptomatic.
In contrast, the most common hay fever symptoms are much clearer. They usually include:
Runny nose
Nasal congestion
Itchy, watery or red eyes
Hayfever sufferers may also experience itching around the eyes, face and mouth or an itchy feeling inside the roof of the mouth and a burning sensation in the throat.
It may also cause headaches and wheezing, but these are less common symptoms, along with a sore throat.